Tuesday, July 04, 2006 @1:27 AM
Have you ever got this feeling that u want something so bad but your too afraid to get it.I want to be truthful but i'm afraid to let the people know.But i'm afraid ,afraid of embarressment ,afraid of being hurt ,afraid of trying.
I think when someone has lost the guts to try,its the scariest thing that could happen.People will have no dreams,no hopes being fullfilled.People will live their life filled with regrets and doubts not knowing what they haven't tried is truly what they would have eventually given up.
Some tried so hard that at the end they acheive, but realise its not what they wanted and thorws all their hardwork away or live a live in misery knowing they've made a wrong decesion,taken on a wrong path.
Should i tell,is the answer really what i want to hear.Will i tell to exchange for hope but instead to gain regrets.I wish i had the courage to tell.I'm so eager for your answer,however my eagerness only comes and grows ,feeding on my fantasies.
I chose not to tell in the end cuz i decided i ought give up on this hope to be happy to pursue materials.Why?will i really be happy,materials are substantial if i worked for it hard enough i will get it eventually.happiness...what is it.Is that what i really need and want..........